What's So Special About THIS Generation Anyway - and who is it? Part 4
For those of us who have studied Bible prophecy for a while, we are in awe of seeing all the signs of the birth pangs coming together at once like this. The insistence of Iran to wipe Israel off the map so much so that a map was displayed at a UN meeting where there is no Israel on it, instead it has been replaced with only a state called Palestine, the record-breaking extreme weather, the unprecedented major hurricanes and earthquakes, the rumors of a global currency and the actions to create a global religion, and it goes on and on from there.
There are several posts on this blog regarding the birth pangs and the reasons why I, and millions of others around the world, believe that these are the last days spoken of in the Bible. Nobody knows the day nor the hour of Christ’s return, Only God the Father does, but Jesus gave us signs to watch for so that we would know the season of His return. (See Matt. 24, Luke 21 – Signs of the End of the Age)
My thanks to Jack Kinsella of Omega Letter for allowing the use of these briefings on my blog.
Special Report: Reason Three – The Developing Global Government
The battle at the UN over whether or not the United States has the right to preemptive self-defense underscores the global perception there is a need for a supra-national government to oversee national affairs.
Probably the last body anybody would have guessed would immediately bow the knee to the United Nations would be the United States House of Representatives, but to listen to them, that is where the real power to make war is vested -- not in the Congress, but at the United Nations.
The power to make war is often what is referred to as the 'Divine right of kings' -- since war is something that occurs between two sovereign rulers.
The entire world is abrogating that right over to the center. No matter how that is spun, the net effect is that of ceding sovereignty to the UN.
How can America be sovereign while subordinate to the UN when it comes to national security?
Instead, we have something called 'collective sovereignty', as Kofi Annan explained in a recent speech, saying the "UN was chartered to prevent another global war", and that its founders recognized that, "agreeing to exercise sovereignty together, they could gain a hold over problems that would defeat any one of them acting separately". (Kofi Annan to the UN, Sept 11, 2002)
Clearly, sovereign authority rests with the United Nations in 2002. The objections raised by the French, Russians, Chinese, the EU -- all are rooted in the basic principle that no action can be taken without UN authorization.
There is no need to prove either the need for or the existence of a global government. It just isn't a very good one.
The UN's days are numbered -- that much is evident. If it can't control Iraq, how can it lay claim to any genuine global authority?
But it was designed as a global government and has created a massive infrastructure of global institutions like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and a massive interdependent infrastructure of NGO's [Non-Governmental Organizations].
They can't simply vanish. The ensuing global chaos would be catastrophic.
While the UN's days are numbered, the days of global government are not.
There are three pillars upon which the Bible says the antichrist will build his global government. Revelation Chapter 13 describes his absolute control over a global government, a global religious system and a global economy.
"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." [Revelation 13:7]
The global government foretold by Scripture will stand in opposition to Israel, in particular over the question of the final status of Jerusalem.
"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. " [Zechariah 12:3]
The existing global government stands in opposition to Israel over the final status of Jerusalem.
The global government foretold by Scripture "opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped." (2Thessalonians 2:4)
The existing global government's default position on any issue involving either the United States or Israel is one of opposition.
The US and Israel are also the only two states on earth founded under the authority of Scripture. Israel is the seat of Judaism and America is the seat of Western Christian culture. The phrase 'US-Zionist imperialism' is not uncommon language in UN speeches or in UN resolutions.
The Bible makes it clear that the final form of global government will not be headquartered out of UN headquarters in New York. It will be headquartered out of the revived Roman Empire. (See Reason Two - 'The Revived Roman Empire')
As this generation begins to draw to a close, having created the need for a global government and developed the necessary infrastructure, the UN is on the verge of dissolution.
Add to that the convenient revival of the old Roman Empire, the EU's lust for global power, and the fact it already operates according to a political template that has already absorbed nearly 25 countries and you have a picture entirely in harmony with the prophecies of Scripture for the last days.
The Bible said such a system would exist in a single generation, somewhere in time. At the same time as all the other single generation events, like the restoration of Israel, the revival of the Roman Empire, and the developing global religious system we'll discuss in the next installment of this series.
When you sit down and consider the odds, it isn't hard to see why the developing global government is Reason Three in this part of the series, "Six Reasons Why We Believe These Are the Last Days."
Special Report: Reason Four – The Global Economy
In medieval times, there were no banks where peasants could safely store their small amounts of gold and silver. It became the practice to store that hard money at the local metalsmith/jeweler who had a secure safe.
The jeweler would issue paper receipts, which could conveniently be exchanged instead of hard money for small transactions. Hence, the term 'good as gold'.
The jeweler noticed that he usually had on hand more gold at any given time than he needed to meet withdrawal demands. He began to issue extra receipts, which he loaned out at interest.
As long as everybody didn't show up at the same time, the theft went unnoticed as the jeweler lent out money he didn't have and collected real wealth in the form of interest in return.
Over the years, the practice evolved into what is today the fractional banking system.
The fractional reserve system is the discounting system employed by national central banks. It is also a massive fraud. I'm not here to debate the rightness or wrongness of it or to tilt at windmills. I'll just briefly outline the facts.
The Federal Reserve system is neither 'federal' or a 'reserve'. It is an internationally held private banking consortium. All banks in the Federal Reserve System become Federal Reserve banks by buying Federal Reserve stock.
The largest concentrations of stocks are held by five major US banks who are in turn owned by the international money trust.
Attempts to seize control of the US central bank of issue by the European Money Trust resulted in the US Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Banking Panic of 1837, the US Civil War, and the banking panics of the 1890's and 1906.
(This is incredibly interesting stuff, but it is really detailed. Space doesn't allow for a full explanation, but I will put together a much expanded version in a later Omega Letter report. For now, I have to hit the high points in order to connect the dots to Scripture for the purposes of this series.)
The seizure of control was accomplished by the 1913 passage of the Federal Reserve Act, written by a German immigrant named Paul Warburg. Warburg was the Fed's first governor, from 1913 to 1918.
Paul's brother was Max Warburg, head of the German Secret Service. A partner in their joint banking firm was the head of British intelligence. When the war ended, all three met again in Paris to hammer out war reparations against Germany. The bank selected to handle the transfer of wealth from Germany was the neutral Swiss Bank of International Settlements, headed by brother Fritz Warburg.
Warburg, Kuhn and Loeb are major stockholders in the Fed, and many of the names of European banking aristocracy control major stock control via proxy through offspring US banks.
The Federal Reserve system removed the US from a barter system to a debit system. A barter system was one in which currency was backed by gold. For every dollar issued, there was a dollar's worth of gold in the treasury. (Remember the jeweler?).
In the debit system, the Fed issues fiat dollars to control the economy, but each one is worth fractionally less, since it is just a case of cutting smaller slices from the pie.
That is what creates inflation. The Fed controls inflation by either cutting back or increasing the supply of dollars.
But it is still theft, albeit legal. In 1914, a good suit cost a $20 gold piece. Today, the same suit costs $500 -- or the same $20 gold piece.
Since there is no wealth backing today's money, there is no need to actually issue currency. Paper currency is a temporary measure to create the illusion of wealth. Now that everybody knows the truth but apparently nobody cares, the illusion is unnecessary.
(How much cash do YOU carry compared to your use of debit and credit cards? Me too. It's convenient, isn't it?)
Here are a few numbers to crunch. There is about $48 billion worth of gold in the US Treasury.
The US Gross Domestic Product is about $3 trillion. The US national debt is around $6 trillion.
So? Let's turn those billions and trillions into something easier to understand. A million seconds equals twelve days. A billion seconds equals thirty-two years. ($48 billion in gold, remember)
A trillion seconds equals THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND YEARS! The US national debt is $6 trillion!
That kind of impossible debt is what makes the most powerful man in the United States the Chairman of the Fed, not the President. When the Fed says jump, EVERYBODY from the president of the US to the president of the local branch bank asks, "how high?" The Fed Chairman can tank the market with a word, and tank the whole economy with the stroke of his banker's pen.
President George Herbert Walker Bush still blames Greenspan for his loss to Bill Clinton in 1992, claiming Greenspan created a temporary artificial recession in the months leading up to the election.
All the world's central banks are centralized again as members of the UN's central banking scheme via the IMF and World Bank systems.
The central banking scheme is part of a larger global system that came into being under the UN General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) signed in 1948. The GATT agreement eventually became today's World Trade Organization (WTO)
I hope you are following all of this. I had to skip over a lot to make to this point without having to do a series just on this single topic. Here is where we connect the dots.
The truly global economy was born simultaneously with the Computer Age that made it possible. The Computer Age officially began with the invention of the transistor by Bell Labs in 1948. There were computers before that, but before the transistor, they weren't reliable enough to be practical.
The centralization and integration of the US economy was replayed throughout the industrialized world. Cash is a global anachronism. The only logical next step is electronic money.
Last week, the idea of an 'electronic wallet' was advanced that much further with the approval of the Digital Angel e-chip for human implantation.
Two thousand years ago, John recorded the antichrist's principle method of maintaining control of his government.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17)
It was never possible in any generation in history. Until this one. And, from our vantage point at this moment in history, it seems like the next logical step.
The existence of a manipulated, centralized truly global economic system at this time in history is Reason Four in this part of the series, "Six Reasons Why We Believe These Are the Last Days."
Next part of the prophecy series will focus on Reason Five – The Developing Global Religion and Reason Six – The Explosion of Knowledge and after that we’ll get into the discussion of the Rapture (The time is coming when one day millions of people around the world will disappear, at the same time, without a trace) and the Tribulation and what those are and what they mean to everyone on this earth.
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I think you are misinformed on the tribulation and like to hear your self type.
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